Somaliland name engraved in Hide Park corner Oblique- London(photos included)

I visited hide park and it's surroundings today which happens to fall on Sunday the 24th of July which is my day-off and have taken the following few photos for my readers . One of the most interesting of these photos is the oblique that shows the name of Somaliland among those who fought along the British empire in the second world war . This Oblique is located at the entrance opposite Hide Park Corner in London .

 Hyde Park is one of the world's most famous parks, situated in the heart of central London. As well as being the largest park in London, it is a wonderful open space to relax favoured by tourists and Londoners alike. Covering just under 400 acres, Hyde Park is divided up into a series of sections ranging from the Serpentine to Kensington Gardens.
Hyde Park is the setting for many outdoor concerts during the summer months which have recently included the G8 Live Aid concert in 2005.
London is blessed with a series of royal parks, rare for a city of its size. Hyde Park is just one of many parks in and around London making this one of the greenest cities in the world.
Most of the photos are from the park but I have avoided taking photos from  the crowded areas to avoid objections by some of many tourists that pour into this part of London 
during the summer .
Written , condensed and photos taken by : Mohammed Ahmed Ali (