Incredible hotel that floats in water

Incredible hotel that floats in water  : Photos

The futuristic Ark Hotel has been designed to withstand floods caused by rising sea levels.(All pictures: courtesy of RemiStudio/ Text:

Amazing Photos of Floating Tropical Island Yacht Concept Design

Concepts of making luxury yachts is very popular and companies are earning millions through yacht business. But the market leader is one who gives the most unique and luxurious facilities.

Picture of the Day : Women sits on train electrical rails


Picture of the Day

A woman lies on railway tracks in Rawa Buaya in Indonesia's West Java province. The town's residents believe the electrical energy from the tracks will cure them of various illnesses. (Reuters)

Edna University Hospital Photo Gallery

Edna University Hospital Photo Gallery
Logo of Edna Hospital

The concept of charging gadgets using using electromagnetic waves!

Technology tomorrow The concept of charging gadgets using electromagnetic waves
Generally , there are two widely used modes of charging them. One is to use an AC adapter which delivers electric power to your gadgets. The other option is to use solar power, though it can be used only for certain devices which have a necessary level of compatibility. And with solar chargers, weather fluctuations can be the spoilsport. By Technology Tomorrow 

Somaliland name engraved in Hide Park corner Oblique- London(photos included)

I visited hide park and it's surroundings today which happens to fall on Sunday the 24th of July which is my day-off and have taken the following few photos for my readers . One of the most interesting of these photos is the oblique that shows the name of Somaliland among those who fought along the British empire in the second world war . This Oblique is located at the entrance opposite Hide Park Corner in London .

 Hyde Park is one of the world's most famous parks, situated in the heart of central London. As well as being the largest park in London, it is a wonderful open space to relax favoured by tourists and Londoners alike. Covering just under 400 acres, Hyde Park is divided up into a series of sections ranging from the Serpentine to Kensington Gardens.
Hyde Park is the setting for many outdoor concerts during the summer months which have recently included the G8 Live Aid concert in 2005.

Tree House Point - Temple of the blue moon

Trillium- Tree House
Trillium Exterior

Amazing photos from Somaliland

18+ Majestic Photos of Elephants

Some subjects just lend themselves to great photographs and this is one of them. For our latest photography collection designed to inspire you to get out and start shooting, we have put together a collection of great photos of elephants. Share your own in the comments!

Autumn Colours in High Difinition

Fall for many and my best time of year … The explosion of colors, smells, feelings .. Nature in Autumn is something unique to see and feel, the color is impossible to describe because it is a full range of colors… Leaves fell from trees flesh color and a real scene of fire that burns and burn forest areas ..